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  1. Message: Hello, I need a download link for the V8, my dongle serial is M-7-0929, Best regards. omar 2013/08/26
  2. Message: how can I save on plt format? I have ucamcam v9.7 with a new giliotine. pls help me. its relly important to me! ilan 2013/08/15
    1. Reply: hello,drawing graphics,create toolpath,then cilck toolpath > toolpath output,select the HP_PLT3D format,save the file as plt. ( 2013/08/15 )
  3. Message: Hello, I need Ucancam V8. I have the keys. Distribution itself is very necessary. I had a virus ate the flash drive. Can you give a link to download Ucancam V8.Best regards,Jalyn. jalyn11 2013/08/15
    1. Reply: Hello, pls tell me your dongle SN. ( 2013/08/15 )
  4. Message: Hello. I need your help as soon as u can. I got before 2 days a new plasma cnc with your program include the package. I cand understand how to send it to the plasma machine for cutting. I installed to software with the usb with s/n. I need to save the file at “plt” ? Can I just push a button for print to cnc? The computer must be connect to the plasma remote control? Thanx. ilan siener 2013/08/14
    1. Reply: Hello, you can save the file as “plt” , pls tell me which version are you using, ucancam or ucannest, you can tell me your dongle SN. I will tell you how to set. ( 2013/08/14 )
  5. Message: Hello! We bought your machine. Included with it was a program UcancamV9. We need her on the Russian language. We are waiting for the answer to Armebel 2013/08/02
    1. Reply: Hello, I’m sorry, Ucancam don’t have Russian language now. ( 2013/08/02 )
  6. Message: I have ucancam and ucannest both software when ucancam starts then ucannest dose not and vise a versa it shows an error failed to create empty document Gaurang 2013/08/02
    1. Reply: Hello, you can’t run the two program at the same time in one computer. ( 2013/08/02 )
  7. Message: Hello i have waveboard version of UcanCam v9 dongle i install 9.8 beta 2 version and install it on clean new operating system (W7). I start program but cant see any Pararmetric menus. Waveboard menu appears normally. Hmmm? Andrew 2013/08/01
    1. Reply: Hello, the waveboard version of Ucancam dongle purchased previously, no parametric functions. ( 2013/08/01 )
  8. Message: Hi, I have V9.4-110901 with Dongle and SN. Can Install de V9 pro to import 3D files??? luis 2013/07/31
    1. Reply: Hello, pls tell me your dongle SN, if your ucancam is pro version, that can import 3D files. ( 2013/07/31 )
  9. Message: Hallo.i will buy Ucancam V9 Waveboard Software (waveboard version)programm. How much price? How long to get in Urraine ? Vlad 2013/07/29
    1. Reply: Hello, we will contact you by email. ( 2013/07/29 )
  10. Message: Здравствуйте! Раньше у Вас можно было скачать ucancam v8.3*. Скажите где можно скачать данную версию? Как заказать у вас ключи для ucancam v9?Как произвести оплату? Хотим перейти на более новую версию. Максим 2013/07/24
    1. Reply: Hello, can you speak in English, tks! ( 2013/07/24 )