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    1. Reply: Menu 《Modify》《Trim》 ( 2023/05/26 )
  2. Message: Message: Ucancam 12. I have make parametric draw. Then i change dimensions i need to regenerate path. When i do regenerate program is closing…….. Please help Vladas 2023/05/25 Reply: after change dimension, you just need double click the toolpath, then ucancam will regenerate the toolpath Ok but if i making a front panels on big bord. I have the about 100 toolpath, faster for me is tool regenerate for all front panels. But when i do regenerate for only one front panel, ucancam is closing Vladas 2023/05/26
    1. Reply: pls send your ucc file to so that we check it. ( 2023/05/26 )
  3. Message: Ucancam 12. I have make parametric draw. Then i change dimensions i need to regenerate path. When i do regenerate program is closing…….. Please help Vladas 2023/05/25
    1. Reply: after change dimension, you just need double click the toolpath, then ucancam will regenerate the toolpath ( 2023/05/25 )
  4. Message: How to clip vector group from square.. Means remaining vector out of square should be deleted Jigar 2023/05/24
    1. Reply: you can use “Trim” command , click the vector out of sqare with mouse so that to delete them. ( 2023/05/25 )
  5. Message: hello how can I make (Iges)and(mould) with Ucancam pro V11? mohammad 2023/05/21
    1. Reply: you can make surface , relief with Ucancam Pro, and import iges file into ucancam. but you can not output iges file now. ( 2023/05/25 )
  6. Message: I bought Ucannest V12. Does Ucancam come with it too? Joe 2023/05/16
    1. Reply: no, just ucancanest V12. ( 2023/05/18 )
  7. Message: Loaded the software and when I go to open the software, I get the message “Failed to create empty document.” I tried on two different computers. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.. Joe 2023/05/16
    1. Reply: “Failed to create empty document.” it means your dongle is not matched with the software version. for example , you run ucancam Pro with ucancam standard version dongle. ( 2023/05/16 )
  8. Message: Version 12; Why when double press mouse wheel Zoom to object (or all IF NON SELECTE3D|) does not work!?!?!? it is so annoying! Simon 2023/05/12
    1. Reply: pls detail the operation process. ( 2023/05/15 )
  9. Message: Hi, I have bought Ucannest Pro. I need training course for CNC plasma. Is there any traning in FRENCH ymele Paul 2023/05/12
  10. Message: hello. I just downloaded the latest available version V12.0- When I try to open the program from the desktop icon, it asks me to be able to make changes to my computer. After allowing it to do so, I get the following message: Cannot open the ‘setup ini’ file. my SN:M 18-4-040. Rodrigo 2023/05/12
    1. Reply: Hello, when install ucancam , it don’t need the dongle. I have downloaded ucacnam , and install , it is no problem. “Cannot open the ‘setup ini’ file” , , which is windows system prompt message. mabe your setting make it. ( 2023/05/12 )