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  1. Message: In Help file there is description of postprocesor file, but there is not information and exemple how to use arc command to create cn file with arc increment valu related to end or absolut. Could you send or explain any exemple. Stanisław 2017/01/14
  2. Message: You have post processor for masterwood, We need it and we do not know how to create it. Thank you jose 2016/11/29
    1. Reply: ucancam has the post processor for masterwood. ( 2016/11/29 )
  3. Message: ucannest v9 repeatedly crashes on all versions of windows and 3 different machines. updated to v10 following your exact instructions, says dongle not found. try uninstall/reinstall several times, still doesn’t find dongle. please advise hard knocks 2016/11/28
    1. Reply: don’t cancel the last step when install ucannest. ( 2016/11/28 )
    1. Reply: your ucancam is not pro version. ( 2016/11/10 )
  5. Message: i am using windows 7,i install ucancam v10.2 but shows dogle is not foun,what i do now its arjunt…. PRATIK 2016/11/07
    1. Reply: yuo don’t install the driver of dongle. ( 2016/11/07 )
  6. Message: Hi could You create tutorial how to programming 4th axis? Igor 2016/10/27
  7. Message: hi i need ucancan v8 or my dog key is functional for the others versions? juliano 2016/10/26
    1. Reply: hi, ucancam v8 is out of service. and v8 dongle can not work on V9, V10 version. ( 2016/10/26 )
  8. Message: Is there any possibility that postprocessor in Ucannest can add instructions M999 and M03 in separate lines for opening fire ? Now it gives us: M999 M03 which makes probing and opening fire made at once we need to generate programs as you can see below: M999 M03 which stands for first probing and next opening fire PP 2016/10/26
    1. Reply: yes, you set “open file?” as: M999 [END_OF_LINE] M03 ( 2016/10/26 )
  9. Message: Hi there, Do you have any video tutorials for the rotary axis? Thomas 2016/10/24
  10. Message: Does ucancam allow for lead-in and lead-out when cutting.If so how do i set it.. If not why not? NICOLAS 2016/10/24
    1. Reply: yes, ucancam allow for lead-in and lead-out when cutting. menu: toolpath -> profile machinng ( 2016/10/24 )