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  1. Message: Hi.. Have a problem with ucancam on one of our customers pc.. Using windows 11.. Version 11.5 and version 12.1 are giving me an error when selecting prilofile machining, and takes me to an empty tool library and also has no fonts saved.. When I removed antivirus and reinstalled it worked for 4 hours but now can’t seem to get it to work.. Any suggestions Tony 2024/01/05
  2. Message: If I buy a new copy of Ucancam; Will it allow me to operate my old VERSION OF uCANCAM SOFTWARE? i.e. Version 8 or 9 or 10? I ask because the new version 12 of your software does not work with older computers running 32-bit versions of windows such as XP and Windows 7…. Simon 2023/12/28
    1. Reply: The noew dongle can not operate the old version. . ( 2024/01/02 )
  3. Message: Hi! Suddenly the tool library is empty, “parametr jest niepoprawny” error pops up. I tried to reinstall – its all the same… wht’s wrong? jacek 2023/12/19
    1. Reply: 1. you click menu “Help” “open appdata folder” , and to delete all the file an d folder then uninstall ucacnam. 2.reinstall ucancam ( 2023/12/20 )
  4. Message: Hi, Can I reduce feeds & speeds into corners? Example: tool going with feed 7500 mm/min and at the end of line I have 90deg corner, can i reduce feed when tool will be machining this 90deg corner and inrease feed right behind corner? wojciech 2023/12/16
    1. Reply: Hi, we add the corner feedrate down option in exporting tollpath in next version . just now you can edit the toolpath in menu “toolpath node” ( 2023/12/18 )
  5. Message: Is there a Polish version of v12 Pro available? Grzegorz 2023/12/15
    1. Reply: sorry! there is not polish version of V12 ucacnam Pro till now . ( 2023/12/18 )
  6. Message: How to import 3D model to version V12? By using File–> Import i can not pick any 3D solid? When i watching your tutorials there option should be e.g .STL avabilty to pick but not it is not there? wojciech 2023/12/12
    1. Reply: you need ucancam Pro version to import stl file ( 2023/12/12 )
  7. Message: Hi, after instalation of UcanCam V12 Pro i cannot open program. When I tring to open UcanCam I have warning with note: Failed to create to empy document. Not sure what is wrong could you help ? Whole instalation process goes well I also update Visual C++. What could be the problem here? wojciech 2023/12/11
    1. Reply: your dongle is not matched with ucancam Version. ( 2023/12/12 )
  8. Message: UCannest V12.1-01/08/23 Menus between Parametric(P) and Help(H) are not in English. How can i translate these two menus to English ? Veli-Pekka 2023/10/22
    1. Reply: thanks for your report. we will fix it, and tell you with email. ( 2023/10/24 )
    2. Reply: we have fix the problem of ucannest, now you can download the newest version from web. ( 2023/10/26 )
  9. Message: hello i need ucancam v11 standard pls send uram 2023/10/18
    1. Reply: You can also download Ucancam V12 on this website. ( 2023/10/18 )
  10. Message: The execution speed of UCANCAM V12.01 is normal, but the loading and execution speed of V12.1 is very slow. What could be the reason? yt kim 2023/10/14
    1. Reply: which command do you think the different speed? ( 2023/10/18 )