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  1. Message: Why does v10 pro say “Fail to create an empty document” when I try to start it I have a dongle Byerley 2017/05/12
    1. Reply: your dongle is not matched with ucancam version. ( 2017/05/12 )
  2. Message: Hi, with regards to the dongle not being for the PRO version of Ucancam, Where can I get a dongle, or how can I get the waveboard function with what I have at the moment(ver 10.6) Regards, diRASTAMAN 2017/05/08
  3. Message: hi i have questions how to make a slant cut with 3d corner engraving toolpath? is it possible to make a slant cut and control it’s cut layer by layer (multiple layer)? herdyfleming 2017/05/08
    1. Reply: 3d corner engraving has the item for cutting layer by layer. about slant cut, you can send the picture to so that we give you the detail suggestion. ( 2017/05/08 )
  4. Message: have problem with g code transfer in ucancam v8. 1. if i use cut position inside or outside —> G code there is only command G01. But if cut position on —-> G code there is command G01 and G02 / G03. 2. spindle can not rotate automatically even though there is already command M03 and does not stop even though there is already command M05. What should I do to solve the problem. thank you Rochan  rochanIndonesia2017/5/1 6:05:41   Reply:   you can config the post processor in Ucancam, and ucancam V8 is out of service. pls upgrade to V10.(2017/5/2) hello How to upgarde it. Can be via internet? rochan 2017/05/08
    1. Reply: V8 can not be upgraded to V10 via internet. ( 2017/05/08 )
  5. Message: Is there any other way that I can do or get the waveboard function for my existing dongle, or can I get a pro dongle? Reinhardt Ras 2017/05/08
  6. Message:  Reply:   pls check the item “Layer”,and set the count of layer. it is rough mill. if you want the another finish mill, pls select the smaller tool , and uncheck item “Layer” to creat the finish toolpath for rotary axis mill. (2017/4/28) To your reply, Please when do I do the uncheck tool path, is it after I save the rough tool path and reload the image and pick a smaller tool I unchecked do another toolpath and will the software know I have pick a rough tool path before? Because I don’t really understand this path? Thomas 2017/05/03
    1. Reply: sorry! i can not understand what your problem is . ( 2017/05/03 )
  7. Message: Hi, I downloaded ucancam pro ver10.6, but when I want to open the program it gives me error “Failed to create empty document” I am running normal 10.6 but I need to have the Waveboard function in Pro. Can anyone help? diRASTAMAN 2017/05/03
    1. Reply: your dongle is not for ucancam Pro. ( 2017/05/03 )
  8. Message: My computer updated its drivers, and now the dongle doesn’t work, how can I fix this? As this is an important workplace machine. Regards, Anthony Anthony 2017/05/02
    1. Reply: pls check wether you have installed the driver of dongle. ( 2017/05/02 )
  9. Message: Hello, I have problem with g code transfer in ucancam v8. 1. if i use cut position inside or outside —> G code there is only command G01. But if cut position on —-> G code there is command G01 and G02 / G03. 2. spindle can not rotate automatically even though there is already command M03 and does not stop even though there is already command M05. What should I do to solve the problem. thank you Rochan rochan 2017/05/02
    1. Reply: you can config the post processor in Ucancam, and ucancam V8 is out of service. pls upgrade to V10. ( 2017/05/02 )
  10. Message: Hello, I have problems ucancam v8. 1. Toolpath: border remain 0.00 so Z didn’t go down. 2. Spindle cannot automatic on, I must turn on manual. Thank Rochan 2017/05/02
    1. Reply: Ucancam V8 is out of service, if have any problem.pls upgrade to V10. ( 2017/05/02 )