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  1. Message: 1. 請問Ucancam V12有繁體中文版嗎? 2. 請問商品可以寄送到台灣? 費用有含運費嗎? Cynthia 2024/03/25
    1. Reply: ucancam V12 有繁体中文版。可以寄到台湾。不包括运费。 ( 2024/03/25 )
  2. Message: First of all, thank you for the answer. I tried but unfortunately after copying the file to another PC it still doesn’t load my new tools. There is another option or maybe we are doing something wrong. Second, when we make a parametric door, when we copy it, it no longer copies its parameters to the new door. How can I put several doors of different sizes with parameters to be milled. thank you. isfan virgil 2024/03/05
    1. Reply: click Menu: , copy “toollib_en.db”, to the same folder on your new PC. ( 2024/03/06 )
  3. Message: Your UCANCAM not exporting the files created . Try all formats and no outcome vince 2024/03/01
    1. Reply: you need select the objects firstly. ( 2024/03/01 )
  4. Message: Another Question! Will a V12 dongle work with V11.4? (V11.4 works on windows 32-bit; V12 only works with 64-bit) Simon 2024/02/18
    1. Reply: yes, V12 dongle can work on V11.4 ( 2024/02/19 )
  5. Message: Hiya, Friend sent me his .UCC file which I can open and see all items and toolpaths I delete the toolpaths…… I want to select the drawing parts and export them as .DXF files. But when I do this nothing happens and no file is created? after file save dialog box closes ucancam still says (bottom left of screen) “Command ready (Esc or right button to end command). Please advise an answer? Ucancam ver 10.7 Regards Simon. 2024/02/18
    1. Reply: before export the drawing objectes as dxf, you need select them firstly. ( 2024/02/19 )
  6. Message: keeps saying dongle not found darrell rees 2024/01/29
  7. Message: Hiya, Friend sent me his .UCC file which I can open and see all items and toolpaths…… I want to select the drawing parts and export them as .DXF files. But when I do this nothing happens and no file is created? after file save dialog box closes ucancam still says (bottom left of screen) “Command ready (Esc or right button to end command). Please advise an answer? Ucancam ver 10.7 Simon 2024/01/24
    1. Reply: the drawing objects can be e4xported as dxf , but toolpath can not. ( 2024/01/25 )
  8. Message: Hello i am using ucancam standard v12 , just wondering how can i use the software for toolpath tilling if my material is larger than the cnc machine i have many thanks ehab 2024/01/20
    1. Reply: you can use “Toolpath Panel” to split toolpath as the size of table. ( 2024/01/22 )
  9. Message: how could we transfer the base of newly created tools from one computer to another. isfan virgil 2024/01/17
    1. Reply: Menu, find the file toollib_en.db , this is tool lib file, copy this file the same folder on the other computer. ( 2024/01/18 )
  10. Message: hi how do i know if i have the right dongle for version 12.1? where do I find my dongle version? steve 2024/01/14
    1. Reply: what is your dongle SN.? ( 2024/01/15 )