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  1. Message: Hiya, Where are the Tool Library and Post Processor files stored? I wish to transfer them to another computer Thank you Simon 2024/07/18
  2. Message: Hello. Im using ucancam v11. Whenever I import an artwork, I’m unable to use the software as it does not respond anymore. Can you please provide an assistance? Thank you. Manish 2024/07/11
    1. Reply: what file format of your artwork, you can send your file to so that i can check it. ( 2024/07/12 )
  3. Message: my dongle is not respond . Reinstalling the program it shows ‘error 1612 the installation source this product is not available.” s/n dongle M11-3-0044 Heydari 2024/07/09
    1. Reply: ‘error 1612 the installation source this product is not available.” , this message is not from ucancam. ( 2024/07/10 )
  4. Message: Hi,I need download ucancam V-10.5 s/n dongle M11-3-0044 حیدری 2024/07/08
  5. Message: Hello I have a question. i changed computer for new one. Now use windows system 11 Home. and the problem is as follow: ucancam dongle not found. Even I have download newest software from your web page, ucancam 12, and problem still exist. can you response me as soon as possible. regards wojtek wojtek 2024/06/28
    1. Reply: maybe your dongle is V9 dongle, which can not support V12. ( 2024/07/04 )
  6. Message: When I draw a square or a line or whatever I cant see the lines yhat I am drawing onli when I finis the drawing and click on the left button of the mouse Catalin Sbora 2024/06/21
  7. Message: Hi Can someone please help me with UCANCAM V11? I have a dongle for V11, just need the software. Thak You Mignonne Mignonne 2024/06/10
  8. Message: ucancam 12 not have wave board? where get that? plugins/addon? budi 2024/06/06
    1. Reply: wave board is Ucancam Pro version. ( 2024/06/06 )
  9. Message: Is there a problem with the download of version 12 standard? It keeps failing to download, tried 3 different browsers. Kev 2024/03/28
  10. Message: Czy jest program ucancam pro w jezyku polski Marcin 2024/03/26
    1. Reply: yes, but it is ucancanm Pro V11 ( 2024/03/27 )