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  1. Message: hello, and sorry if I desturb you, I followed that ( “view”–>”system settings”–>”general”, click the “default config”, but same , also when try to open an exiting file I did it before the program don’t open at all, please help, thanks mohamed reda 2008/06/27
    1. Reply: possibly there is something wrong with the dongle, you can send back to your supplier for help or send it to us ( 2008/06/27 )
  2. Message: hello ucancam team. I set befor more than 1 week about the new broblem with my ucancamv8, but did not get any answer yet, I think may be becouse the problem with the site it can not desplay for 3 days , however the broblem is when I open ucancamv8 the program opened normal then after I want to open a file or want drage any item from the liberary the program close alone at once , I try evry thing reinstall it and reinstall new windowes , I followed the instractions 100% I stopped the antyvirus , I try install it in another computer but same problem . The dog key is good , waiting your help specially we have the cnc router more than 7 month and did not work yet, thanks mohamed reda 2008/06/26
    1. Reply: Hello my friend, sorry for the overdue answer, as you problem. you can firstly click “view”–>”system settings”–>”general”, click the “default config”, then try again ( 2008/06/26 )
  3. Message: hello I draw some sqware,and I want to make all the corner alittle curve,so ther no sharp corner, but I want that the corner will be circle not line.can I do that? katz 2008/06/26
    1. Reply: you can check the “rectangle” , “fillet rectangle” or “chamfer rectangle” when you draw ( 2008/06/26 )
  4. Message: I have an artCut 2005. I use coreldraw x4 for layout. I save it as .PLT. But when I open arcut and import the file that I just layout in corel. It ruins everything the curves turn to corners. What should I do to prevent the curves to turn into corners? clarence galano 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: you can use some old version of corel, or you can use other software and save files as .eps, .dxf ( 2008/06/11 )
  5. Message: Hi , I have problem when use Ucancam , after have finshed the design and save the toolpath, I try to open in dsp sometime open and nothing to desplay or make the dsp not responding for long time ( can not open or download any file ) I try evry thing using any toolpath , but can not,while when I use artcam easy to open and download the file.Thanks for help Mohamed Reda 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: maybe it was because the order in the G code, we use standard G code ( 2008/06/11 )
  6. Message: I have artcut 6 and im trying to install it onto windows vista. Is there a way to install it to the computer. Or do I have to install a driver for the cutter/plotter, like the sd series software. Also is it better to use the USB or the other port that is located next to the USB port. We have a ARTSIGN SD-720/800/960/1120/1360. Vince 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: Our artcut software can work on vista, you do not need to install any driver ( 2008/06/11 )
  7. Message: Hi, I have Artcut, it works fine with my rabbit but now not open and send the messange “Please insert the install CD-r” I do it but it doesn´t help me I try with the blue and the white cd and nothing.Anybody can help me.Regards. Rafa 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: just insert the “graphic disc” and click OK ( 2008/06/11 )
  8. Message: I bought Plotter Pcut CTN900 model from Hongkong last year with artcut software that come with it. The software have been cutting very fine until recently I sent a file to the plotter it will pop up window with the following information: ”an nnamed file was not found”what should I do to resolve this and be able to cut? Witty Okon 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: check your system or reinstall it ( 2008/06/11 )
  9. Message: Hi, do you have a software that can be used on a CNC router 3600mm x 1200mm thank you trevor J 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: you can use UCanCAM V8 ( 2008/06/11 )
  10. Message: HI there I have a rabbit cutter and artcut 6. 1.6 I setup on windows xp home it worked about 3 times now it wont cut/plot ? I have put the software on again and done the settings still nothing john 2008/06/11
    1. Reply: pls look-over the line of your plotters, and click cut/plot–>setup–>suquential, check the 2nd, 3rd option ( 2008/06/11 )