Hi from New Zealand. I am using UcancamV8 to run an Artisman nesting CNC manufacturing kitchens,
this software was supplied with the machine. I am unable to use the nesting feature that your
program provides. The problem I am faced with is that when I want to auto nest bigger panels,
say for example 2100 x 600, 1200 x 300, 800 x 580, 900 x 150 and I try to auto nest into a sheet
size of 2440 x 1220 the result can be panels not fitting into the sheet, the panels can be sitting
on top of each other or sticking out side the materail. I know that it is possible to fit into the
sheet because I have another program that achieve the required result. I have done these size by
interactive nesting and it works. Why does this not work with auto nesting ??. I look forward
to your reply. Regards Michael