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  1. Message: Hello IM FROM MOROCCO first my respects for your cooperation and services so please my machine is jiachen sd1212 i bought it with ucancam SOFT and HIS us DONGLE But my probleme is when i prepare my file i can t dawnload it to my usb zubust neither ma machine i dont know maybe the form file or my machine IGNORE THE VEINTAINIC FORM PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME PLEASE STP GRAVURE 2010/01/18
    1. Reply: hello, when you save toolpath, pls select G-code, then dawnload it to your usb zubust. ( 2010/01/18 )
  2. Message: how can i find single stroke font that is round and smooth. tried to convert from arial, but the engraving is moving up and down but not in a single stroke. thanks in advance chuan 2010/01/18
    1. Reply: hello, pls select the single font in the font style, such as hzsim.shx(hztxt.shx,gbcbig.shx) ( 2010/01/18 )
  3. Message: Hi I have a problem with when I ucancam sauvgardement my file with extention (Wintainc) and I register on usb to spend a lever machine NEOLT.1325 Unable to read file But if I backup (G. CODE Standard) is good if you like it help me thank you nadir of Algeria nadir chabour 2010/01/13
    1. Reply: hello,G-code is common code format, when you save toolpath, you should choose G-code format, wentaiNC does not support your machine. ( 2010/01/13 )
  4. Message: hello I want install ucancam in my computer but become insert cd in cd rom ,have erorr(“cant open cd”) I cant see the USB devices in my computer.please hellp me my winxp sn:Tfa-90912275 special thank khaled 2010/01/12
    1. Reply: hello,I want to know that the CD-ROM can’t be installed? Or the software can’t open after installation? ( 2010/01/12 )
  5. Message: Hi,Is there a way to import text from a file and automatically fill up array into the program. I am using ucancamv8 for engraving software.Thanks T.C.Chuan CHUAN 2010/01/11
    1. Reply: Pls select file->inport,Select TXT In the Files of type,then Select the file that you need to import. ( 2010/01/11 )
    1. Reply: hello, Ucancamv8 is not available for Vista. pls run in win2000 or winxp. ( 2010/01/11 )
  7. Message: When is v9, or next version available? Will it run on Vista? Cynt 2009/12/29
    1. Reply: hello, The time has not been determined, but it will support Vista and Win7 in future. ( 2009/12/29 )
  8. Message: hello thanks for your answres my serial numbre :wm-811-1052 i buy it from NEOLT from italia best regards nadir 2009/12/16
    1. Reply: hello,pls check your e-mail,I sent the program to your e-mail. ( 2009/12/16 )
  9. Message: Hi, I have UncancamV8 installed on Win Xp SP2 and when I try to engrave 2D letters it left parts of the letters when engrave on material and I can see that it will left them if I simuled it too. What I’m doing wrong, I just want to engrave single words and save the path in G code because I’m using NCstudion with my machine and is the only code that my engraver undertand. Ramon 2009/12/14
    1. Reply: hello,you can ungroup the toolpath, then save the single words path ( 2009/12/14 )
  10. Message: Hello, we have Ucancam V8 software installed. i have the following problems: a page is created and if we try to input a text or to import a file, program sudenly turns off. Please try to solve somehow the above problems. In fact, in order to cope with the problem, we have reinnstalled the program, but the problem existed.If you need some other clearance, we are ready to provide you with further details.i got this problem the second time the first time i sended the dongle for my suppliers NEOLT and we had change it and now i have the same probleme with this second dongle ,Many thanks in advance for helping me. Best regards nadir 2009/12/14
    1. Reply: hello,Pls reset the dongle config, click “view”–>”system setting”–>”general”, click default config.then check the parameter is the default value has been restored or not?if not,Please refer to “System parameter setting” in the manual,Manually enter and Save.if all not ok,Please check your dongle label and tell me your dongle’s SN.I send you a new version. ( 2009/12/14 )