We can make the text in vertical or horizontal direction, or put it on an arc or any kinds of curves. We can adjust the height......
Just like the changeful life. We have to do some complex change when design. Here we offer Perspective Distortion......
Ucancam provides many image processing functions such as image scanning, image tracing, image striping......
In Ucancam, you can create graphs on different layers that can exist together. You can add or delete......
We provide five kinds of duplication.along a curve, with these function, you can work out well-regulated and handsome graphs.
Ucancam offers a powerful function of navigation, the system will forecast the following step and help you to make your design......
Ucancam provides the precise coordinates input. We may use the absolute coordinate or......
While moving, scaling entities, if you hold Atl key, Ucancam can snap feature point as the start, end point of moving.....
Array Duplication: Rectangular Duplication and Circular Duplication.
Add parallel snap function, make it easy to draw parallel line.
Rewrite the "Close" command, now you can select curves , then click "Apply" repeatedly in command. and rename the command as "Link".
Move all the Tab dialog in drawing commad to the designCentral. shape's properties from Design Central......
We can make stencil by boolean operation, such as join, common, not common and subtract.
10 single line fonts in Ucancam.
Now you can rotate the handle of slection, and can scale or shear the object in any direction.
Press“Tab + ↑、↓、←、→ "Arrow key,bump the selected object to the top \bottom\left\right of the other object rapidly.
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