Ucancam V11.3 are released.


1.Add “Transform Again” command:to repeat the previous transform command.
2.Delete “scale” command.  
3.Support the right mouse button to rotate 3D view when draw command is runing.
4.Node edit command: to move the nodes,you can input the DX\DY\DZ value in the dialog.
5.Strengthen “Clone Along Curve “command.
6.Strengthen “Prism Machinning” command.
7.Strengthen “Area Clearance” command.
8.Strengthen the post processor of toolpath.
9.Add “Sweep Relief”command:create 1 cross section/2 cross sections/weave on crossing point relief.
10.Add “Relief Sculpt”command:to modify the relief with brush tool(clay brush/smooth brush/flattern brush/noise brush/crease brush/pinch brush)