Ucancam V13.1 is released.


1.Add start angle on circle. after change the start point of circle. ucancam don’t change theattribute of circle.

2. you can  rotate the nodes on node editor now

3.you can  scale the nodes on node editor now

4..Add “deselect” on Condition select, to deselect entity from the selector.

5.When Mouse click draft with holding 【ctr】,support select the Chainning selection。

6.support convert the triangle mesh  to quad mesh.

7., In menu <Transform>,Add “3D transfrom” , which include 3D Move,3D scale ,3D rotate,and transform to XY plane.

8. In node editor: add 《show Axe》《CHide Axe》,you drad Axe axis to move node. in the axis direction.

9.In node editor: you can edit the control point of surface

10. you can add the number of control point of surface.

11.enhancement the function  of curve with surface trimming  and  the function  of surface with surface trimming