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        There are 2 types text replace. You can replace a text with another one. And you can also replace a text with serial numbers. For example , replace many “No. “ text with “001”, “002”, …“”010”.


        Menu【Text > Replace】



        1.Select the texts.

        2.Click Menu【Text > Replace】.

        3.Input the text that you want to replace in Find What; Input the text in Replace With.

        4.Click OK button.


If you are designing the badge with serial no. you should use the second “Replace” method.



        1.Select the texts.

        2.Click Menu【Text > Replace】.

        3.Select the”Serial No.”

        4.Input the start number and Increment number for serial no.

        5.Input the text that you want to replace Find What.

        6.Click OK button.


Note: The start number include the format of serial no. if you want to replace “No.1” as “No.001”, you should type “001” into start number edit box;