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Post Set


    The Post Processor is a programme which converts the path in some standard neutral format into the format requried by a specific machine control system.

     Menu【Path > Post Set】    


    New: Create a new devive.

     Del: Delete the current device


      1. Head of Pogramme

      This section deals with line that must be output at the head of every programme.This information usually has the programme name, command for switching on the spindle etc.

     For example:

     Programme head     G90 X0 Y0


       2.Tail of Pogramme

       This section deals with line that must be output at the tailof every programme.This          information usually has the programme name, command for switching off the spindle etc,

       moving the tool back to the home position.

       For example:

       Programme tail     M02


      3.Arc command

      Set the arc command,   For example: Arc to line, Arc center(I J K), Arc radius.


     4.Open Fire, Close Fire

     Set the open fire, close fire command.

     For example:

     Open Fire     M07

     Close Fire     M08        


     5.Speed Code

    Set the speed code as F , the nc file will show speed code.



     Set the Comp. command.

     For example: Left Comp.      G41

                                 Right Comp.    G42

                                 No Comp.        G40



     Absolute coordinate or Relative coordinate.


     8.Return to Origin

     End the cutting, return to origin.



     Defines the path output file extension.

     For example:  *.nc   *.txt   *.cnc