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To Align Objects

     Align on left

  Align on left: to align several selected objects along the left side


Menu【Align >Align on left】                     Aligning Bar                       Shortcut: Ctrl + Num4


     Align on right

        Align on right: to align several selected objects along the right side.


Menu【Align >Align on right】                  Aligning Bar                     Shortcut: Ctrl + Num6

     Horizontal align

    Horizontal align:to align several selected objects along the horizontal center line.


   Menu【Align > Horizontal align】      Aligning Bar                     Shortcut: Alt + ,

     Vertical align

      Vertical align:to align several selected objects along the vertical center line.


    Menu【Align > Vertical align】           Aligning Bar                  Shortcut: Alt +  .


     Align to bottom

         Align to bottom: to align severalselected objects with the bottom line.


         Menu【Align >Align on bottom】      Aligning Bar                Shortcut: Ctrl + Num2


     Align on center 

       Align on center: to make the center of several selected objects the same.


          Menu【Align >Align on center】        Aligning Bar                Shortcut: Ctrl + Num5


    Horizontal Align        

       Horizontal Align: to align  the several selected objects with the horizental center line.


         Menu【Align >Horizental Align 】         Aligning Bar               Shortcut: Alt + ,


     Vertical Align 2 

        Vertical Align 2 :to align  the several selected objects with the vertical  center line.


           Menu【Align > Vertical Align  】              Aligning Bar                   Shortcut: Alt + .     


    Same Size 

    To make the size of several selected objects the same. 


     Same Size

    To make the width and height of the selected objects the same.

        Menu【Align > Same Size】                    Aligning Bar                   Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + A


    Same Width

    To make the width of the selected objects the same.

        Menu【Align > Same Width】                    Aligning Bar                    Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + W

Same Height

To make the height of the selected objects the same.

        Menu【Align > Same Height】                    Aligning Bar                   Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + H