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To open the Plate/remnant

   The Plate/Remnant Database stores a list of all the plates and remnants one has stored at his facility.


     【File > Open Plate/Remnant】 



     List All: All the plate/remnant records can be listed with the button.

     Preview: Click any one record of plate/remnant, the Preview window will show the plate/remnant image.

     Edit Notes: The Notes window will show the notes of the plate/remnant.you can modify it by cliking the button Edit Notes. 

    Delete: click the one you want to delete, and then click the button Delete.

    Search: sort or list the plate/remnant with key item as Area, Thickness, Length, Width so that the suitable size of the plate/remant can be found easily.  

    In the edit control, you can select the value from the pull-down list or type the value with keyboard.

    No.: you can type the most front characters of No item to realize the fuzzy search.

    Material: to sort with material type. you can select the value from the pull-down list.

    Area↑:  to sort the plate/remnant with area descending order.

   Area↓:  to sort the plate/remnant with area ascending order.