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Design Central


        Menu【File > Design Central】                     Editing Mode Bar 

       Design Central is very important in the Ucancam, Most of the software operations are required to complete in Design Central. Such as:

       Page size: Any object is not selected, to be set.
       Element property: When selecting a single object, select the Menu【Edit > Properties】command.
       Select by type: Select the Menu【Edit > Select By Type】command.
       Graphic size: Select any object, you can modify the size and location of the object.
       Drawing: Select the drawing commands, you can choose the type of drawing and setup the parameters.
       Graphics Editing: Select edit or transform command, such as: offset,expand, envelope distortion, etc.
       Text Editing: Select the Menu 【Text > Text Edit】command, you can modify the font, spacing, etc.
       Symbol library: Select the Menu【Draw > Symbol library】command, you can read, save the graph.
       Node Editing: Selected node, you can modify the node coordinates.
       Path Operation: Such as the toolpath editing, toolpath simulation, toolpath Panel, etc.