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Curvilinear Texture



        Menu 【Wave Board > Curvilinear Texture】


1. Click MenuWave Board > Curvilinear Texture.

2. Set the parameters, click OK button.


Board height: the height of the board to be processed

Board width: the width of the board to be processed

Overlap: the proportion of the overlapped Toolpath  to the last one

Path space: the space between each Toolpath

Min depth: the min depth the tool goes into the board

Accuracy: the accuracy of the texture. The accuracy is better when the setting is lower, and the time needed for calculating is longer.

Notes: Overlap and the path space are the same. So you need to just set one of them when creating the Toolpath .

Baseline setting

Height: the height of the z axis curve that is the depth of the tool going into the material.

Height =min depth + wave height

Width: the width of z axis curve

Sample line setting

Height: the height of X axis curve.

Width: the width of Y axis curve.