File Operation
Design Central
Basic Setting
Viewing Tools
Object Operation
Graph Editing
Graph Transform
- Move
- rotate
- Transform Again
- Mirror
- Arc and Line Fit
- Envelop Distortion
- Perspective Distortion
- Push and Pull Distortion
- Twist Distortion
- Shadow Distortion
- Curve Zmap
- Interactive Nesting
- Auto Nesting
- Clone Along a Curve
- Rectangular Clone&Polar Clone
- Clone along a Line
- Clone along an Arc
- Clone along a Spiral
- Scale 2 Points
- Orient 2 lines
- 3D Move
- 3D Rotate
- 3D Scale
- 3D To XY Plane
Image Processing
Text Editing
Node Editing
Graph Toolpath
- Tool Path
- Profile Machining
- Area Clearance
- Flute Machining
- 3D Corner Engraving
- Midine Machining
- Drilling
- Insert And Inlay
- Intelligent Machining
- Prism Machining
- Embossing Machining
- Toolpath output
- Tool Management
- Toolpath Walk Simulation
- Toolpath Shaded Simulation
- Post Set
- Toolpath Regenerate
- Toolpath Stat
- Adaptive Area Clearance
- Chamfer Machining
Image Toolpath
Wireframe Toolpath
Toolpath Edit
Surface Toolpath
Combine Mode
There are five options for this: Add,Subtract,Merge High and Merge Low, Replace.
These determine how the subsequent relief is combined with the previous one, for instance whether it sits on top of the original shape or blends into it.
When create relief or surface in ucancam, the default combine mode is Add.
Menu【Relief > Combine Mode】
The five options and their specific effects are described on the following
there are 2 reliefs: star and flat ball
Add: to create a raised relief
Subtract: to create new recessed reliefs
Merge High: keep the highest
Merge Low: keep the lowest
Replace: new relief replace the previous